Advances in Several Complex Variables: A Festschrift in Honor of John P. D’Angelo
Steven Bradlow, Peter Ebenfelt, Jeremy Tyson, and Dror Varolin, Editors
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2012, 280 pp., ISBN 0-9746986-5-2, $30
John P. D’Angelo came to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1978. He has made pioneering advances in the field of several complex variables, especially in the use of algebraic geometry in the study of mapping problems in CR geometry and in the theory of the Bergman projection. He is highly regarded as a researcher, lecturer, expositor, and author, currently nearing completion of his fifth book.
This volume was conceived as a gift for John on the occasion of his 60th birthday in honor of his mathematical accomplishments. The papers in the volume come from a wide spectrum of John’s coauthors, colleagues and students, and are a striking testimonial to his influence over and vision for the subject of several complex variables.
This stand-alone issue was also published simultaneously as Volume 56, Number 1 of the Illinois Journal of Mathematics. The electronic version of the articles is available at Project Euclid.
Order Information
The volume can be purchased directly from the Illinois Journal of Mathematics using the IJM D’Angelo Volume Order Form.