The Illinois Journal of Mathematics (IJM) is partnering with Duke University and the Project Euclid to market the journal’s digital content to Chinese University libraries as part of the Digital Resource Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic Libraries, or DRAA. Project Euclid has had a consortium relationship with DRAA (formerly known as CALIS) since 2011, with IJM signing on in 2014 with an eye to increase journal sales and accessibility.
Starting with five participating institutions in 2011, the list of participants has grown to 19 in 2016, currently increasing by 2-3 new schools per year. In addition to the IJM, the list of titles offered includes Duke Mathematical Journal, Michigan Mathematical Journal, Bernoulli, and 35 others. As part of the agreement, Project Euclid handles licensing agreements, subscription renewals, and other administrative duties with participating libraries and IJM receives 80% of IJM title sales. Revenue from DRAA sales has steadily increased each year as a result of the agreement.
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new editor, Yimin Xiao, to the Editorial Board of IJM earlier this year. Professor Xiao is with the Department of Statistics and Probability at Michigan State University, with research interests in stochastic processes and random fields, fractal geometry, extreme value theory, and nonparametric regression. Professor Xiao also has editorial responsibilities with Statistics & Probability Letters, Journal of Fractal Geometry (Managing Editor), and Science China: Mathematics.