The Illinois Journal of Mathematics has published a special volume of invited articles to honor the memory of Joseph Leo Doob (1910-2004). As a founding editor of IJM, Doob was instrumental in getting the journal started in 1957 at Illinois and acquire a reputation as one of the leading mathematics journals of the time.
The Doob volume, edited by Illinois Professor Emeritus Donald Burkholder, contains 31 invited articles by leading figures in probability, analysis, and other areas to which Doob has made lasting contributions.
To ensure broadest circulation, the volume is made available in three forms: as four regular journal issues comprising the entire 2006 volume of IJM; as a standalone book, published in March 2007 under the title Joseph Doob: A Collection of Mathematical Articles in His Memory, ISBN 0-9746986-1-x, and made available for purchase by individuals and libraries; and in electronic form.
In keeping with the tradition of the Illinois Journal of Mathematics as a low cost leader in mathematical publishing, the standalone version of the Doob volume is being sold at cost at $50 for the 1000 page book. The Doob volume is the second in a new series of standalone books published by IJM. The inaugural volume in this series, The Mathematical Legacy of Reinhold Baer (Phillip Griffith and Derek Robinson, Editors, 2004; ISBN 0-9746986-0-1), features a collection of invited articles in group theory and allied areas to mark the centenary of the birth of Reinhold Baer (1902-1979), a co-founder of the IJM. A third volume, dedicated to Phillip Griffith, is scheduled to appear later this year.