For the past ten years A.J. Hildebrand has served as Managing Editor of theIllinois Journal of Mathematics (IJM). His commitment to IJM and service record in this position will not soon be equaled. Under his leadership the journal has undergone a major reorganization, implementing a sophisticated system of centralized electronic processing of papers which has significantly reduced the burden on editors and allowed the processing of submissions to become more streamlined and timely.
Streamlining IJM’s production has an added cost-saving benefit, putting subscription rates for IJM among the very lowest for mainstream mathematical journals—currently 11 cents per page. Although operating under the auspices of the University of Illinois, IJM is supported entirely through subscription costs and receives no subsidies from the university or the Department of Mathematics. In addition, IJM provides a significant benefit to the university in the form of exchange subscriptions to several hundred journals which the Mathematics Library receives at no cost.
The Illinois Journal of Mathematics was founded in 1957 by R. Baer, J.L. Doob, A. Taub, G. Whitehead and O. Zariski and quickly established itself as a preeminent journal of mathematics. Since its beginning IJM has enjoyed a rich history in published mathematical research. Perhaps its most notable published article was the proof of the Four Color Conjecture by K. Appel and W. Haken of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Distinguished researchers such as A. Calderon, S.S. Chern, H. Kesten and K. Uhlenbeck have served as editors. Through the initiative of A.J. Hildebrand, IJM has recently begun a series of “special” volumes. The first two in this series are dedicated to the remarkable research influence and accomplishments of Reinhold Baer and Joseph L. Doob.
The preceding paragraphs serve to highlight some of the notable achievements of A.J. Hildebrand’s ten-year career at the helm of IJM. They underscore some of the more visible examples of his vision and innovation in the role as Managing Editor. They do not reveal the real workload assumed by A.J. in that role. When asked by the Search Committee of former IJM editors to write up a job description of his day-to-day tasks, the document A.J. produced came to eleven pages. For his untiring devotion and work ethic, the Department of Mathematics owes A.J. Hildebrand a large debt of gratitude.
Under new IJM Managing Editor Phil Griffith, some operational changes will occur—the biggest change being that the copy editing and typesetting functions will be outsourced. IJM Editorial Assistant Debbie Broadrick will remain in her position. Debbie is key to maintaining a smooth and efficient operation in the flow of information between editors, authors and referees.